Saturday, March 19, 2011

Quick Tip: Favicons & Home Screen Icons!

The Trav Test has some fun new features!  If you look up to the address bar, you'll notice a custom Favicon!  This cute little icon will also be next to the link in your bookmarks so bookmark the page!

Also, if you're reading from an iOS device, you can now use the Add To Home Screen link and have the icon sitting pretty on your iPhone or iPad!  It's formatted for the retina display, too!  (Note: You only get the cute icon if you're reading the standard page version, not the mobile version... for now.)

Thanks for reading The Trav Test!

This is a quick tip from The Trav Test to make every day an A!

Edit 06/26/2011: I switched to Blogger's mobile version so the Home Screen icon is no longer working. Hopefully Blogger will address this issue promptly!


  1. I am having the same issue and have been searching the web for hours for other people experiencing this.

    I wish I had an answer for you and if I find one i will let you know. Please let me know if you find the answer as well.

    Do you think its a blogger issue or something in the code or someething we can fix?

  2. I assume it's a blogger issue since it's in beta right now. I still haven't found a way to fix it though.
