Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Google's CR-48... So far

Alright, here goes. This is my first review of Google's CR-48. I've had it for a month now and I pretty much hate it. I don't even know where to start. The only thing I like about it so far is the free Verizon service that comes with it, but I have yet to use it and it was a major pain in the ass to activate. So why I do I hate it? Well, first of all, it's nothing special. Want to know what the user experience is like? Ok! Take your computer, launch Chrome, and don't allow yourself to touch anything else outside of Chrome. Seriously. You can't use any other applications like Word or Skype or anything. Want to type a Word doc? Google Docs is your only choice. Want to look at your schedule? Google Cal is your only choice. Want to instant message with a friend? Google Talk is your only choice. Call me crazy, but I prefer Word for Mac 2011, iCal, and iChat.

Ok, so you now know what it's like to be stuck with nothing but the web. What else? Well, the machine itself is SLOW. When both are on WiFi, my iPhone loads webpages about twice as fast as the CR-48. One thing Google talked a lot about when they introduced the CR-48 was that it turns on instantly. Well, actually, my MacBook Pro turns on almost as fast - it only takes about 20 seconds longer. I'd much rather "wait" an additional 20 seconds and have a complete, powerful computer over a bad netbook. Another issue I have with it is the trackpad. I can't even put into words how awful it is!  

So far, going from my MacBook Pro to the CR-48 feels like I'm stepping back into 1995. It is slow, unresponsive, and basic. Don't get me wrong, I love that it was free and the free Verizon service is nice to have when I don't have access to Wifi (which is incredibly rare). I also like that I can toss the CR-48 into the awesome case I got and let it sit in my car in 20ยบ weather and not worry. I probably could do that with my MacBook Pro, but it's such a beautiful machine that I wouldn't even want to try.

I'll post again as time goes on, but one month in, the only thing I like is the price. Oh, and that a group of probably 15 year olds approached me at Chipotle to ask if it was a CR-48 and drool. It took me back to high school momentarily... and I had something that the other kids wanted! Damn, I should have offered to sell it to them... oh well.

My old Black MacBook (left) & My CR-48 (Right) on my bed

Google's CR-48 fails The Trav Test with an F (so far).

 • Category: Products
 • Location: N/A
 • Cost: Free!
 • Ease of use: N/A
 • The Trav Test grade: F

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