Sunday, February 28, 2010

HTML Goodies

I spent some time thinking about what I would review as my very first post.  The first post is going to set the theme for posts to come, right?  Well, maybe.  I was leaning towards a post about my recent experience at Superdawg's new Wheeling, IL location because it was great, but then I thought about HTML Goodies.

HTML Goodies is a really simple site that I have used for YEARS to help me with web design.  I can remember back to 6th grade when I used HTML Goodies to teach me how to write a link code.  I memorized it and, of course, still use this knowledge today.  I have not memorized other things - like color codes (except black and white) - and HTML Goodies is a great resource to look these things up.

Whether you use HTML many times a day as part of your career in web design or only every 3 months when you change your Myspace page (actually, does anyone use Myspace anymore?), HTML Goodies is a great place to get help.  The creator, Joe Burns, writes in a way that is fun and easy to understand.

HTML Goodies passes The Trav Test with an A+

  • Category: Tech, How To
  • Location: Online
  • Cost: Free
  • Ease of use: Easy
  • The Trav Test grade: A+

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