Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Year's Eve Essentials!

Well, it's that time of the year again... the end! First, I want to thank you, the readers, for a wonderful 2011! I'm so happy that you enjoy this tiny consumer reports operation I started! While you're generally void from the comment section, I love reading your emails and seeing you repost my reviews! Thanks! 2012 will be awesome with you all around!

With that said, most of you will be going out on the town for New Year's Eve. The Trav Test has 3 essential items to make your night an A!

1. Agloves. I've told you about Agloves before and Tweeted about their newest products. You'll want to use your touchscreen phones, but it's cold in many places! Stay warm AND connected with Agloves!

2. Blistex. I'm not sure if it genuinely counts as prevention, but if you'll be kissing people at midnight, 50%-80% of them have herpes! Blistex claims to relieve cold sores so you'll want it in your purse or pocket! (On that topic, grab some condoms, too. Even if you won't need them, someone will.)

3. Numbers for taxis or a taxi finder app. You'll probably be a drunk mess, so don't drive. It's simple!

If you have these 3 (ok, 4) items, you can be confident that you'll have a great time!*

*The Trav Test is not responsible if you have a shitty time. If you do something stupid, it's on you. If you have a really annoying significant other, that's on you, too. If you have nowhere to go on NYE, have these items anyway - you can go to see a movie. Using the Agloves, use your iPhone to get a ride and have the Blistex ready when your lips are super dry from the salty popcorn! All kidding aside, be safe, have fun, and see you next year!

New Year's Eve passes The Trav Test with an A+. 

• Category: Fun!
• Location: Everywhere!
• Cost: Depends!
• Ease of use:
• The Trav Test grade: A+!

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