Thursday, November 10, 2011

Quick Tip: Record Calls

If you're ever in a situation where you'd like to record a phone call, doing so for free is usually difficult. Perhaps you want to record a phone interview so you can see how you did when the pressure is off or you want to have record of a verbal contract. Whatever the case, there is a relatively easy and completely free solution.
Please consult local, state, and/or federal laws before recording phone calls. TheTravTest is not responsible for your use of this information and is not providing any legal advice herein. 
Materials needed: Google Voice account (free), computer, and 2 phone lines. I used a landline and my iPhone, but you can replace "landline" and "iPhone" with your phone methods.

Step 1: Log on to Google Voice and make you landline the only number it directs to.
Step 2: Using your iPhone (or any phone that gives you the option to conference), call your Google Voice number. This will then obviously ring your landline.
Step 3: Answer your landline. Mute it. Push 4 on the keypad to initiate recording. (If you hear "Call Recorded", it worked.) Leave the landline connected, but set it down and go into a different room so you don't get feedback.
Step 4: On your iPhone, use the "add call" feature to call the party you wish to record.
Step 5: Once the party answers, quickly merge the call.

Now the entire conversation is being recorded. To end recording, but continue the call, push 4 again on the landline or just hang it up. Hang up both phones to completely end the call (and recording). The recorded call will be placed in your Recorded list on Google Voice.

This is a quick tip from The Trav Test to make every day an A!

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