Monday, September 12, 2011

Neato XV-11

Just about one month ago, I got the Neato XV-11 robotic vacuum for testing. I was interested in testing a robotic vacuum because the concept is awesome and, frankly, it is 2011 yet there is nothing Jetsons-like in my home. Also, with a Jack Russell Terrier who sheds more than you could imagine, daily vacuuming is a good way to keep the house clean between full weekly cleanings. Although I'm a "neat freak", I'm not lugging a full upright vacuum out every single day. Plus, my aforementioned dog is deathly afraid of the vacuum and daily anxiety for him would be even worse for me. So I went on the hunt for a robotic vacuum to test.

My search started with the product everyone is familiar with: Roomba. It's expensive, round, and the reviews aren't great. Plus, with 6 different models ranging in price from $300 to $600 and many different features, I didn't know which one to get. Roomba Pet Series sounds like it would make sense, but it doesn't have other necessary features. As I was reading other reviews, I kept reading comments saying to get Neato instead. I checked Neato out and understand why people were saying so. It's U-shaped, so it fits in corners, has "RPS" or room positioning system, and supposedly has the best suction for a small robotic vacuum. At $399, it's right in the middle of Roomba's prices, but many people say it's much better. Sold!

Having my Neato XV-11 for about a month now, I can tell you that it is awesome. It doesn't have the suction that a good upright has, but it has more than a cheap upright. For most of us, the atmospheric pressure suction rating means absolutely nothing so instead, here's a practical description: it picks up dust, dog hair, popcorn, crumbs, nail clippings, and even the occasional bug that sneaks into the house. Translation: it works very well. Instead of dragging a fairly heavy upright vacuum up and down the stairs, I can very easily pick up this small, 15 pound machine and take it anywhere. On the main floor where I have the base, all I need to do is push the main button twice and the entire level will be vacuumed while I do other things. When it's finished, it goes back to the base and charges. On the other 2 levels, I can set it down, push the button, and again that's all. When it's finished, it returns to where it started and shuts off. It's fantastic.

Ok, so how does it compare to a good upright, other than suction? One of the great things is the path it uses to clean if you have carpet that leaves those awesome vacuum marks. I really do love those! Other robotic vacuums (i.e. Roomba) take a completely random path. Neato first goes around the perimeter of the room, then cleans the rest of the room systematically so it leaves nice vacuum lines, THEN it leaves the room and starts the next one. It can detect doorways and stairs so it goes room-by-room and doesn't fall over any edges. As for noise, it's not exactly quiet, but it's not exactly loud either. You can hardly hear it if you're on a different level, but it's too loud to watch TV if you're in the same room. What's really great, however, is that it does not have that really loud, high pitched sound upright vacuums make. It is that sound that makes my dog go crazy. Without that sound, my dog isn't bothered by Neato at all. Now, Neato doesn't completely replace your upright. You'll still need to manually vacuum once per week if you're a neat freak like me. Why? Well, the extra suction of an upright gets any dirt that is deeper in the carpet and Neato obviously can't move things to vacuum under them. If you don't have a dog or kids, you probably could go 2 or more weeks easily.

All in all, I'd recommend Neato for everyone. If you're lazy, it does the work. If you're a slob, it picks up after you. If you're busy, you can set up a schedule and never think about it again. If you're a clean freak, you can be sure that the house is cleaned daily without any work on your part. It works on all floor types, too. I honestly can't think of a single situation where Neato wouldn't be a great purchase. And yes, I paid for my Neato myself, so you can be sure that the company isn't paying me to say these things! I wouldn't hesitate to purchase Neato again!

Neato XV-11 passes The Trav Test with an A+. 

• Category: Products
• Location: Online, Some stores
• Cost: $399
• Ease of use: Super easy
• The Trav Test grade: A+
• UPDATE: Click Here

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