Friday, March 11, 2011

Red Riding Hood Movie Review

Continuing the theme of The Trav Test firsts, I'm reviewing a movie! Red Riding Hood officially releases today, but I saw the movie a few days ago. Let's just cut to the chase: It's awful.

Imagine combining Little Red Riding Hood and Twilight. Now, add in bad acting, such poorly done stunts that the audience was laughing, an incredibly low-budget set, and a "score" that was probably purchased online and then set to "loop" mode. This is the recipe for disaster as well as for Red Riding Hood.

Actually, I'm not sure why they used Red Riding Hood as the title since the main character doesn't get her red Slanket (Wait... that wasn't a Slanket?) until the middle of the film and the lines everyone knows are used in the worst way possible. The actual story (and I use that term loosely) was that a werewolf was living in the village and needed to be killed. The one thing that they did well is keep the audience guessing who the werewolf was. I didn't figure it out until almost the end. Speaking of the end, they left the ending open so there could presumably be a Red Riding Hood 2. Hopefully there won't be. If you're curious, wait for it to hit Red Box or Netflix or save you time altogether!

Red Riding Hood barely passes The Trav Test with a D.

 • Category: Movies
 • Location: In theaters today
 • Cost: Varies
 • Ease of use: N/A
 • The Trav Test grade: D

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