Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quick Tip: Twitter Followers

I am addicted to Twitter!  I definitely over-share and love the ability to Tweet friends, companies, and celebrities... sometimes they even reply (friends included in this "they").  I don't like having random followers, though.  One option would be to "protect" my account so people would have to ask for my permission before being able to follow me.  This, however, prevents people who aren't following me from seeing my Tweets even if I mention them.  Since many of the companies and celebrities don't follow me back, they wouldn't see my Tweets to them at all.  The other option takes a few steps and may not be around forever.  First, if you're using the "new" Twitter, you need to switch back to "old" Twitter (you can switch back and fourth freely).  Next, go to your settings page and check "Protect my account."  You'll only leave it protected while you're removing followers.  You see, this is the only way to get the "Remove follower" option.  Next, go to your followers page.  Use the "Remove follower" action to remove the followers you want to remove.  Now, go back to your settings page and uncheck "Protect my account."  You can also switch back to "new" Twitter at this point if you'd like.  Hopefully Twitter will give us a less complicated way to remove unwanted followers in the future, but for now, this works.  Happy Tweeting!

By the way, are you following @TheTravTest?
This is a quick tip from The Trav Test to make every day an A!

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