Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quick Tip: Road Construction

Everyone hates road construction!  I don't know about elsewhere, but here in the Midwest, it seems like we really only have 2 seasons: Winter and Road Construction.  The freezing and thawing is hell on our roads.  Being already November 13, I am sick of the numerous road and lane closures!  The ones I have to deal with most started at the end of May!  Since it's already been 6 months, I wondered how much longer it would be until I had my 2 lanes in each direction and 55MPH speed limit back so I went hunting for answers!  I found the answers at!  Lo and behold, the construction that impacts me is expected to be complete on Monday!  This find will certainly come in handy through winter, though, too and definitely for future Road Construction Seasons!

It looks like every state has a website similar to the one for Wisconsin.  Just Google "511 Travel Information" and your state to find yours!

This is a quick tip from The Trav Test to make every day an A!

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