Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gloves In A Bottle

Winter is harsh on skin for pretty much every single person, but those of us with already dry skin are even worse off.  The combination of winter's ravage and constant use of hand sanitizer at the office to avoid the flu left my hands dry and cracked.  My knuckles were so dry that they would often bleed slightly.  Fed up with the dryness, I set out to find a lotion that truly moisturized and protected my hands without making me smell like an old lady or feel extremely greasy.  After months of searching, I found Gloves In A Bottle.

Gloves In A Bottle is an effective lotion that can be found in many stores across the country and ordered online.  Because it claims to not be easily washed off, it is considered a shielding lotion.  Gloves In A Bottle stopped my bleeding knuckles with one use.  After a few days of use, my hands had absolutely no signs of dryness at all.  The product even added so much moisture to my cuticles that I haven't had a hangnail in weeks.  While unscented, the lotion does have a certain smell, but it fades away once dry and isn't caused by any added fragrance(s).  Gloves In A Bottle also does not feel greasy - something that I hate with other lotions.  After a few seconds, the product is absorbed by the skin and I can even use my iPhone without any hesitation.  The product simply works and for this reason, I cannot rave about it enough.  I have absolutely no complaints and would highly recommend Gloves In A Bottle to everyone!

Gloves In A Bottle passes The Trav Test with an A+

Category: Products, Skin Care, Health
Location: Stores nationwide or Online
Cost: $14.95 per 8oz bottle (individually)
Ease of use: Easy
The Trav Test grade: A+

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